Well, one of my friends sent a post card to my mom and mom asked me today why haven't i ever sent her one? lol good question. lazy i guess.
I figured since i was going to send her one, i might as well send them out to people who need them back home. I talked to a lot of my friends (via skype) and a lot of them out there seem down. Then I thought, why not just extend that gesture to my FB and twitter fam, even out to you reading. Anyone who wants a post card from Tokyo, let me know. I'll more than likely send them out at the end of the week so i'm collecting PO Boxes, or mailing address now :)
Plus, i think this will help with one of my new years resolutions. Every year i write down goals and things i want to accomplish before the year is over. One thing i wrote down was "Love more". That can mean anything right? But i kinda mean it on many different levels. I dont wanna go into detail about it... ive noticed ive been writing a looooot on here lately. so i'll spare you.
Just know that i'll be sending out love from tokyo. Also leaving you with this.
enjoy :)
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