Temple University Japan

so...it looks like i'm going back!
I just got my acceptance letter from TUJ (Japan Campus)
At first, i wasnt really excited. I thought about everything that i had going on here in Atl... with the new job at the studio...all the good new people i've been meeting and other things too....but then i had to realize how much of a wonderful opportunity this is. I mean...i get to go back to Japan and finish my college education there.
I even now have a plan to somehow extend the studio over to tokyo...
i know i can do it... if we could that would be awesome... the music industry is so big in Japan i know we would be successful so whats the problem jayda b???
I guess i'm just nervous of leaving everyone behind...*sigh* lol but i figured if it wasnt meant to be...then i wouldnt have gotten into the school right?

I'm gonna start doing a video blog up until i leave to tokyo... there are many vid blogs already for ppl who go to temple but none by girls!! lol we need a girls point of view!

what a b-day gift huh? i just found out i'm going to japan and my b-day is friday.... awesome!
so let the journey begin...NOW!

7 Responses to “Temple University Japan”
  1. Cristy B says:

    that's so amazinggggg! i wanna finish school in another country too. congrats!! :D

  2. Jayda b says:

    hahaha thank you!!!!! its so weird u know! i dont wanna leave everyone! but its ok!
    hahaha! i encourage everyone to come! its an american school! just in tokyo! cool huh!? lol

  3. Heyhomee says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm Sooooo Jealous! Japan is a crazy cool place for inspiration and education! You're gonna rawk all them bredrens over there! I'm gonna keep watching out for you!!

  4. Jayda b says:

    hahahah thanks!! I went to school over there last summer! but it wasnt long enough lol so now... this time its for two years! >_<

  5. Tayo says:

    this is dope... im super interested in going to this school, as well. how was the admissions process?

  6. Jayda b says:

    thanks! @ Tayo...
    actually is was not as hard as you would think!
    It was fairly the same as any other college in America... the only thing (which i'm STILL working on) is getting the visa.. you know u cannot stay in another country after 3 months without it.

    if u want more info just email me. its on my profile
    and check out Temple's website

  7. arya says:

    thank you for the information is very helpful at all

    please visit: http://ocw.gunadarma.ac.id/course